"Seeing my dog having something wrong worries me all day"
- Should I take my dog to a vet now?
- Should I wait and see if my dog becomes better today?
- What should I do?
- Anything I can do for my dog at home?
Vomiting, Diarrhea, Lack of Appetite are the most common symptoms in Dogs
Isn't it helpful if you have a basic guideline on what to do when your dog has those symptoms?
Doesn't it make you more confidence to be a dog owner if you know some at-home remedies for dogs?
That's what I needed before I know veterinary medicine and what I am asked most from dog owners.
Course learning outcomes:
You will learn basic guideline on what to check when your dog has vomiting, diarrhea, and/or loss of appetite in dogs.
You will learn common cause of vomiting, diarrhea, and/or lack of appetite in dogs.
You will learn how to decide what to do when your dog has those symptoms.
You will learn some basic herbs for dogs with those symptoms.
You will learn how to use herbs for dogs with those symptoms.
You will learn when not to use herbs for dogs.
What are the requirements?
No prior knowledge of herbs or medicine is required.
Please understand this material/information is not substitute of medical treatment. This information is for the dog owners who are looking for additional (complementary) solution.
There is NO one solution fits to ALL. Each dog has unique physiology and health condition, therefore, the result may vary.
This course provides ample of information. You may not finish this course in 5 days - which is okay!
Who is this course for?
Anyone who wants to learn herbal remedies for dogs.
Anyone with a passion for keeping your dog healthy and happy.
Hi, I am Yuki!
Certified Veterinary Western Herbal Medicine practitioner and Founder of Food Medicine for Animals
I am so excited to share the power of herbal remedies for dogs with you!
I have been a licensed veterinary technician over a decade. My journey of herbal medicine started from my grandmother's herbal remedies during my early childhood. Since my first patient, Willy (the yellow Lab on right) proved the power of herbs and natural food, I have been using herbs to enhance health.